Moray Game Jam
After a short hiatus the Moray Game Jam is back, and looking to be better than ever!
For those new to the world of Game Jams the basic premise is that entrants have a set amount of time to create a game based around a theme, games are then play tested and judged to see how well they play, how they look, sound, feel and how well they fit the chosen theme.
For the Moray Game Jam Entrants will have 48 hours to create a digital or board/card/physical game based on a theme which will be unveiled on the day of the jam. You can enter as a solo competitor or as part of a team of up to 5 people. There are no restrictions on game development tools, such as game engine, but if you are entering the digital side of the jam you will need to bring your own equipment.
As Moray Game Jam is an in person jam at a real location it also boasts the ability to host some workshops during the day, which are open to both contestants and the public, on a variety of topics hosted by guest speakers and industry veterans.
Speaking from experience this is one of the best Game Jam events around and we are really glad it’s back!
You can find full details about the events and the Game Jam itself over at moraygamejam.com where you can also sign up.