UI/UX Designer and game making enthusiast. You may know them from such game as Hungry Ian.

127 hours

127 Hours… no not that one

So with 127 hours gone where are we at? I think we’re looking good, the royal we, and although work has been continuing, with sporadic updates hitting the discord channel from various teams, the chatter has been a bit quieter. Now maybe it’s because we’re trying to fit work…

Gary's Boids are misbehaving

60 hours in – Game Jam 192

We’re are well and truly into the game jam now, a little under the 62 hour mark. As with any jam some people are further on than others, some have swapped ideas a few times but I think it seems to be going well. So without further ado here’s a quick look at some of the progress that’s been achieved… #game-jam-192