UI/UX Designer and game making enthusiast. You may know them from such game as Hungry Ian.

Jamoween Part II - The Jammening

Jamoween Part II – The Jammening

The Fourth Game Jam from Indie Game Squad!

Jamoween will be held over an 8 day period, or if you prefer 192 hours, starting at 2pm (GMT) on Friday the 22nd of October and closing on Saturday the 30th October with all entries needing to be submitted by 2pm (GMT). Once submissions have closed you will have until 2pm on Sunday the 31st of October to play and vote on all of the other entries.

Game Jam 192 Episode 2

game jam 192 episode 2

The third Game Jam from Indie Game Squad! Game Jam 192: Episode 2 will be held over an 8 day period (or 192 hours, see, see what I did… again.) starting at 12 noon (GMT) on Friday the 2nd of April and closing on Saturday the 10th April with all entries needing to be submitted by 12…